24/7 Features

Patient-focused solutions to help your practice thrive.

HIPAA-compliant support

Keep patient information protected with HIPAA-trained
receptionists and encrypted technology.

Protected <br>messages


Receptionists trained to protect sensitive patient health information.

Secure call recordings

Secure call recordings

Receptionists trained to protect sensitive patient health information.

HIPAA-trained receptionists

HIPAA-trained receptionists

Receptionists trained to protect sensitive patient health information.

Protected <br>video calls

video calls

Receptionists trained to protect sensitive patient health information.

Make time for
the things that
matter most

Trusted by healthcare professionals

How it works


HIPAA-trained medical receptionists answer every patient call.


HIPAA-trained medical receptionists answer every patient call.


HIPAA-trained medical receptionists answer every patient call.

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When you switch off

we switch on

With 24/7 coverage included, every patient inquiry is answered day or night.


Trust that your urgent calls will be transferred in real time and that important messages will be available for follow-up via your app, email or CRM.

Plans & Prices

    Enter your details to view plans & prices.

    By submitting this form you agree to our Privacy Policy. We may email, SMS or call you to follow up. You can opt-out any time.

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